feel free to insult this when you can animate!
That was a good movie, and i hope Alexander_Vincent realises that the review section is where you review the movie you have just watched and not insult a sub-culture of NG, that fact that you admit that you didn't watch this movie in your review for the very same movie just leaves me wondering what credibility your claims of the clock crews talent is.
And to BlasterMaster in reply to your question of whethere or not anyone can animate any more I'd say from viewing your own movies that no it apears that the average person can not animate how ever this LOTRs parody was created by someone who obviously can animate.
Now that everyone seems to be a fan of the clockcrew it seems as if the 'retards' are once again the minority and un-popular through out NG, which should probably match their status in the real world i would assume from observing the number of BBS posts a day they write. They can blam all they want but they all know deep down that theyre not really 21 and they havnt really got a gf, theyre just lonly 13 year olds out cast by the world because basically they suck with a capital COCK.