what the fuck
how long was a watching that for? i think i want to die, but on the other hand i want to love you. So dam confusing, i dont understand these feelings to vote 5, and yet i do.
what the fuck
how long was a watching that for? i think i want to die, but on the other hand i want to love you. So dam confusing, i dont understand these feelings to vote 5, and yet i do.
Wuv Me.
pretty good but u let urself down
I really like the beggining to this very anime style with the ninja cutting stuff, but you let yourself down on the last scene, i just didnt like it ( the one where hes standing on a wall) make more and dont get lazy at the end.
Thanks, and by the way its a roof not a wall(im not that good at makin flash lol. And i did not get lazy at the end! THIS IS A TEASER!
god dam bastard public!
vote high, its a good movie, dont quesiton just except. All i can say now is that you are all a bunch of silly sexheads, and a gaggle of polite penis pockers! think before you step otherwise you could find yourself behind a radiator?? WIERD
as always, brilliant
I just reviewed one of your other movies, "The Creator" and i only realised who you were when i'd finished writing the review. If id known it was you, the flash artist i have at number 3 (i think) of my favourite flash artists i probably wuld have added a smily face or sumthing else thought to be obsecure and pointless. Anyway great movie, the colouring technique reminds me of Magnolia, where the main colours are red and blue (of the american flag i assume). Very good make more :)
I'm working on it.
really interesting
I really like this flash, and I take it in as many different metaphores. Im sure alot of the connections and assumptions myself and others will make were not originally intended by you, but I've always thought having others explain and ponder another's work is fasinating. In a strange way i saw this as a metaphor for views and actions in marriages, as if the woman only exists, is only acknowledged once she is married (created). The man wanted to protect her from the outside world, in fear that she might leave him. I could go on but i live in England, and its late especially for a "growing fifteen year old boy" as my mum would say.
I hope your next creation is as good as your last.
That's interesting. And you're right, a lot of these connections were never intended by me. However, it's always interesting what people get out of a piece.
i dont want to wisper
i hate u more than u culd ever comprehend, u are the reason for my downfall, u r all that is wrong, and yet a glimpse of a mind, a world within that which is not and yet should be, and thus we conclude that i want u to die. good work keep it up u piece of shit, strawberry cup i mean clock rules, i especially like the
Joined on 6/21/02